Motoring offences

Examples of Summary only motoring cases (cases only triable in the magistrate’s court)

  • Drink or drug driving cases
  • Failing to provide a specimen
  • No insurance
  • Without due care
  • Speeding
  • Failing to stop for the police
  • Disqualified driving
  • Taxi touting
  • No insurance
  • No licence
  • Driving whilst using a mobile phone

All of our crime team members undertake this type of work. See our team section for further details about the number of years of experience held by each of the fee earners.  

Option 1 Fixed fee (3 hours work)

Included in the fee
This option will involve up to 3 hours of meetings and preparation. This will include meeting with you for up to 2 hours on one occasion only plus the preparation for this meeting, which will likely require reading documents and/or follow-up advice. This can be in person or by Zoom to be agreed. The price for this option is a fixed fee of £750 plus VAT which in total is £900 including VAT.

This will include preparation for the meeting and preparation after the meeting if time remains within the 3-hour limit.

Not Included in the fee
This does not include any other preparation or work or court cover. Experts, interpreters or translation costs are not included.

Option 2 Fixed fee (2 hours work)

Included in the fee

This option involves up to 2 hours of meetings and preparation. The meeting will last a maximum of 1 hour on one occasion and preparation will be carried out up to 1 hour. The price for these 2 hours is £500 plus VAT which in total is £600 including VAT. If appropriate we may agree to this shorter time fixed fee of up to 2 hours. This option is for less serious or less complicated cases where the meeting can occur by Zoom or telephone etc only. This will not be in person unless we agree to this.


Not included in the fee

This does not include any other preparation or work or court cover. Experts, interpreters or translation costs are not included.

We can work to try and persuade the police/CPS against commencing court proceedings where possible. We will draft your mitigation for you. Representation at court for this discreet work is not included. We will meet with you, and we will take instructions from you and we will where possible analyse the case evidence before mitigating on your behalf to attempt to persuade the court not to impose a ban where the law permits. We will write a letter of representation or mitigation on your behalf. As indicated above Representation by us at court is not included – £1,000 plus VAT for up to 4 hours work and £1,500 plus VAT for up to 6 hours work covered, which is more suitable for complicated cases. We will assess each case and advise you. Sometimes the work involved may be more substantial and if this is the case we will advise you and agree fees.

Included in the fee –

  • Reading evidence
  • Attending/preparation virtually or in person as agreed or necessary
  • Instructions from you
  • Advising you on your plea at court
  • Any defences you may have
  • Advice on likely sentence and your mitigation
  • Drafting written submissions for you
  • We will undertake work which includes, letters, calls, and emails all charged as 6 minutes each unless greater time is incurred plus preparation and attendance up to the maximum number of hours agreed in the fixed fee with us.

Not included in the fee –

  • Any further work such as taking other statements
  • Attending court
  • Preparing the case any further
  • Instructing experts
  • Translation or interpreters costs
  • Incurring any expert fee or disbursements

Not Guilty Trial preparation and attendance are not covered by this fee.

Representation at court by an advocate within the fee such as a solicitor from our firm or a barrister. We will meet with you in advance and take your instructions where necessary. We will collate your documents in support and prepare for the hearing. We will appear at court on your behalf and act for you at court for up to half a day. A member of our team will attend, or we will choose a suitably qualified barrister or solicitor to appear for you. From £1,000 plus VAT for up to 6 hours work and to £2,500 plus VAT for up to 10 hours work covered. The final fee will be agreed with you. 

Included in the fee –

  • Reading evidence
  • Taking your instructions or statement
  • Attending/preparation virtually or in person as agreed or necessary
  • Advice on likely sentence
  • Attendance and representation at the Magistrates Court on one occasion as agreed
  • Advising you on your plea at court and credit
  • Advising you on the strengths and weaknesses of your case
  • Advising you on available defences, and the likely prospect of success at trial if pursued
  • Advice on likely sentence and your mitigation
  • Advice on court costs on a guilty plea and following a trial
  • This is to include an experienced advocate or barrister to represent you at court for up to a half-day hearing. Most cases will not take longer than half a day of a lawyer’s time including travel, awaiting, and representing you at court.
  • We will undertake work which includes letters, telephone calls, and emails which are all time charged at a minimum of 6 minutes each unless greater time is incurred plus preparation and attendance up to the maximum number of hours agreed in the fixed fee with us

Not included in the fee –

  • Any further work such as taking statements of others
  • Attending further court hearings or legal arguments that can arise in court, including adjourned sentencing hearings
  • Preparing the case any further
  • Incurring any expert fee or disbursements
  • Incurring and interpreters or translation fees
  • Preparation work which includes letters, calls, emails, preparation, and attendance beyond the maximum number of hours agreed in the fixed fee with us.
  • Not Guilty Plea trials any contested hearing or a Special Reasons Argument
  • Trial Preparation or Special Reasons Hearing
  • We will fully prepare your case for trial or a special reasons hearing where you have pleaded guilty. We will read and prepare all evidence served. We can take your instructions and all necessary statements from your witnesses where the fee agreed covers the work required. We will make representations to the CPS where appropriate to try and get them to drop the case before trial where the time agreed between us will permit such work to be carried out. We will deal with the court and apply for adjournments, when necessary, in writing but not by attendance at court separate to the hearing date you have paid for.

We will discuss the possible fees in advance and agree with you. It is not possible to accurately advise on expert fees until we know the nature and skill of the expert required.

From £2,500 plus VAT this will cover up to 10 hours of work and from £5,000 plus VAT for up to 20 hours of work in more complicated cases. If you have multiple or complicated witness issues, you are likely to require more time to carry out this work. If we estimate that we need to do more work, then we will advise you in advance and quote the fee.

Sometimes more work can arise at a later stage as the nature of the case against you can change as the prosecution serves additional evidence not disclosed earlier. The prosecution can delay cases, or the court can delay matters due to workload or other issues such as pandemics, ill health, or non-availability of court staff. Increasingly court buildings have safety or building works issues, and this delays cases which can increase your costs. This is applicable if we attend court, and the case is delayed and not heard on the day due to one of these issues or any other issue that can arise including the case being delayed because witnesses do not attend court. 

We will undertake work which includes, letters, telephone calls, and emails which are all time charged at a minimum of 6 minutes each unless greater time is incurred plus preparation and attendance up to the maximum number of hours agreed in the fixed fee with us

Included in the fee –

  • Reading evidence
  • Advising you on your plea at court and credit
  • Advising you on the strengths and weaknesses of your case
  • Advising you on available defences, and the likely prospect of success at trial if pursued
  • Advice on likely sentence
  • Taking your instructions or statement
  • Attending/preparation virtually or in person as agreed or necessary
  • Attendance and representation at the Magistrates Court on one occasion as agreed
  • Advice on court costs on a guilty plea and following a trial
  • We will deal with disclosure issues that arise during the case such as requesting CCTV, forensic reports, or other unserved material
  • We will provide a qualified advocate to represent you at trial

Not included in the fee –

  • Specialist traffic offences expert
  • Interpreters or translation
  • Any further work or enquiries or preparation such as taking statements not covered within the fixed fee hours.
  • Hearings regarding disclosure/breach of bail / complex legal arguments heard at a separate hearing, any mention or pre-trial review by the court
  • Extensive enquiries tracing witnesses which we cannot do in the time agreed with us in the fixed fee agreed.
  • Attending further court hearings including adjourned sentencing hearings
  • Incurring any expert fee or disbursements
  • Preparation work which includes letters, calls, emails, and attendance beyond the maximum number of hours agreed in the fixed fee with us
  • Undertaking any work beyond the hours agreed in the fixed fee
  • Advocates or barristers for court hearings outside of our firm*

We will always strive to instruct one of our excellent in-house lawyers to represent you at your court hearings, to keep costs low whilst ensuring that you receive a strong legal defence. However, where this is not possible, we will pay for an external barrister or advocate to represent you. On average, an external barrister or advocate will charge approximately 20% of the total fee to cover the court hearing aspect of the case. Thus, if you have paid us a fixed fee of £2,000 inclusive of VAT, it will cost us approximately £400 to instruct a barrister for you. In this case, there will be no further cost to you for a barrister or advocate outside of our firm to represent you.

However, instructing more specialist barristers or advocates outside of our firm, and instructing specific barristers of your choice, will normally attract higher costs plus VAT at the prevailing rate, which presently is 20%. As such, in these cases, 20% of the fixed fee paid to us will likely not be sufficient to cover the cost of the barrister or advocate representing you at court.

If we have to attend additional hearings to adjourn your case or if the case is adjourned once we attend court, then each further hearing or trial will be from £1,000 plus VAT to £2,500 plus VAT and again this fee includes representation by an experienced advocate. If you require a specific advocate outside of our firm, then this could attract higher costs depending on their costs. Sometimes after a case is adjourned, we may be required to do more work than estimated as more evidence is served, or you may require more work on your defence and in such cases we will estimate for this work. This can affect the fees above. You may sometimes require us to make or oppose additional legal argument hearings for you. We will quote for these as they arise. This cost will depend on complexity.

We always endeavour to ensure that our fees do not exceed those particularised above.

  • If you instruct us at late notice close to a hearing or in connection with multiple allegations
  • Complicated issues in the case or facts
  • The court dealing with your case is at a distant location, then there will be an increase to the fees quoted above
  • Having many witness enquiries or obtaining expert reports will complicate the case
  •  If the case becomes more complex because more documents need to be considered, then this will complicate the case.

The fee for any work agreed upon does not include:

  • The cost of instruction of any expert witnesses which we can only guide you on once we know more about the nature of the expert and availability
  • Interpreters or translation of document costs
  • Advance conferences with advocates or barristers other than at court on the day unless agreed in writing 
  • Disbursements some of which attract VAT such as alcohol reports, some interpreting agencies charge VAT whilst smaller agencies do not. Photocopying and expert reports such as psychiatric reports attract VAT
  • Barristers’ fees unless we have agreed to provide a barrister, and this will attract VAT
  • Travel costs. We will provide an estimate once we know the location of the court
  • Where the hours work agreed in the fixed fee are exceeded in which case additional fees must be agreed for additional work
  • Taking statements from any other witnesses or making enquiries and preparation where the fixed fee agreed will not allow that additional work. Reading further documents or evidence that are adduced by you or the prosecution which requires further analysis in which case we may have to agree on additional fees
  • Advice or assistance concerning any appeal

Most cases will not require additional cost. Potential expenses and disbursements are listed below, and some experts and professionals charge VAT and others do not if they are not registered for VAT.

  • Interpreters and translation fees from £25 plus VAT per hour if needed. It is not possible to predict the cost of these as this varies according to the particular circumstances
  • Court fees – we cannot estimate these, but they are unlikely to apply in most cases
  • Travel costs to the Court – there will be additional disbursements in respect of our mileage/travel expenses based upon a rate of £0.45 per mile or public transport plus VAT
  • If we need to stay overnight, then hotel accommodation may be chargeable (amounts subject to VAT), but we would try and avoid this where possible
  • Psychiatric reports can cost from £500 plus VAT to £5,000 plus VAT or on very rare occasions a higher amount 
  • Alcohol reports cost from £500 plus VAT to £2,500 plus VAT. More complicated reports will cost more
  • Medical experts can cost from £500 plus VAT to £5,000 plus VAT


VAT is charged at 20%

  1. You will provide instructions to us or a statement
  2. We will consider the evidence and advise you including on your plea at court
  3. We will seek additional disclosure from the prosecution
  4. We can take any other witness statements if necessary (this could have an additional cost depending on the complexity of the case and whether it can be covered in the hours agreed)
  5. We will explain the court procedure so you will know what to expect on the day of your hearing, and the sentencing options available to the court
  6. We arrange any further preparatory work; obtain instructions from you and answer queries you have
  7. We will instruct experts and incur disbursements if you agree the associated fees
  • The actual timescale of when your hearing will take place depends on the court listing for that day
  • Meeting you at Court
  • When we agree to attend court, we will meet with you before going into the court
  • We will discuss the outcome achieved with you. If our opinion is required on appeal, we will agree costs.

Where we have not agreed hourly rates for work, we will represent you on a fixed fee basis, you are obligated to pay us the full amount that we have agreed, irrespective of whether the actual matter goes ahead, or the work required is less than originally quoted for. For example, we agree to do up to 3 hours work but the case concludes at 2.5 hours work. In the majority of matters, fixed fee agreements work out lower overall than a high hourly rate. This fixed fee is non-refundable in the event less work is undertaken, or if the case does not proceed, as we are working on lower hourly rates. You can, if you wish, agree in advance in writing to pay on an hourly rate basis which is set out below.

How long a case takes depends on the amount of work involved. A criminal case can often end up taking quite a different shape from that envisaged at the time when it starts. Accordingly, it can be difficult at this early stage to give you an accurate prediction of the time it will take to conclude. Time estimates vary from court to court and are dependent on local problems with staff, increase in crime in an area or even building works at court at times. Routine cases can take from 3 to 6 months but sometimes as long as 6 to 12 months. 

Based on our vast experience, we would expect matters to generally follow the below timetable:

Police Station Case 3-6 Months (although more serious cases can take longer than 12 months)

Magistrates Court (Guilty Plea) 1-2 Months Magistrates Court (Not Guilty Plea) 3-6 Months

Crown Court (General Cases) 3-12 Months Crown Court (Serious Cases) Up to 24 Months’

Time frames change based on the adherence of all parties to timetables and attendance of witnesses and court time available. As matters progress, we should be in a better position to advise you of the likely timeframe.

In cases where a case is dealt with at a single hearing the whole case is usually completed on that day. However, each case is different, and we cannot provide a precise timescale of how long each key stage will take or when hearings will take place, as this depends on many factors such as the complexity of the matter and court listings.

Excellence is our hallmark